Tag: Democracy

उपलब्धि र चुनौतीको आलोकमा मधेश आन्दोलनका १८ वर्ष

Democracy Dialogue – A Monthly Discussion Series in Collaboration with Martin Chautari (in Nepali) विषय…

सफलताको कसीमा राष्ट्रपति शैक्षिक सुधार कार्यक्रम

Democracy Dialogue – A Monthly Discussion Series in Collaboration with Martin Chautari (in Nepali) विषय…

नयाँ गठबन्धन र संविधान संशोधनको बहस

Democracy Dialogue – A Monthly Discussion Series in Collaboration with Martin Chautari (in Nepali) विषय…

स्थानीय तहमा योजना तर्जुमा र बजेट विनियोजन अभ्यास

Democracy Dialogue – A Monthly Discussion Series in Collaboration with Martin Chautari (in Nepali) विषय…

Nepal’s Federal Civil Service Bill: An Opportunity to Advance Administrative Federalism

It provides an update on the Federal Civil Service Bill, covering its drafting, initial registration, withdrawal from the House of Representatives, and subsequent re-registration of a new draft. It discusses delays caused by conflicting interests among various groups and highlights some new provisions included in the latest version of the bill.

नेपालको सहकारी आन्दोलन : के पायौँ, कहाँ चुक्यौँ ?

Democracy Dialogue – A Monthly Discussion Series in Collaboration with Martin Chautari (in Nepali) विषय…

Ilam By-election: A Test Case for Identity Politics

The analysis focuses on the issues surrounding the political environment, the preparation of the Election Commission Nepal, campaigning, and other aspects of the Ilam by-election held on April 27, 2024.

Impacts of Unstable Political Coalition in Nepal

This political update analyzes the impact of inconsistent power equations in Nepal.