Tag: Movement

उपलब्धि र चुनौतीको आलोकमा मधेश आन्दोलनका १८ वर्ष

Democracy Dialogue – A Monthly Discussion Series in Collaboration with Martin Chautari (in Nepali) विषय…

नेपालको सहकारी आन्दोलन : के पायौँ, कहाँ चुक्यौँ ?

Democracy Dialogue – A Monthly Discussion Series in Collaboration with Martin Chautari (in Nepali) विषय…

Madhesh Province: From Movement to Implementation of Federalism

This analysis examines the progress made by the Madhesh province in the eight years following the issuance of the federal constitution. It assesses the extent to which Madhesh’s expectations have been met since the movement towards the implementation of federalism began, and explores the province’s trajectory moving forward.

Ethnic Identity Movement After the Naming of Koshi Province and Its Potential Implications

This political situation update (PSU) delves into the ongoing identity-based mobilization and its potential implications.